Facts to Note in Brick Fireplace Makeover

Brick Fireplace Mantel Makeover

We all get bored with our interior, but often what we need is not a massive change, but a little one – just like brick fireplace makeover. It will transform the look of the room, but it doesn’t require too much time, money and effort.

Internet is full of interesting and diverse ideas for brick fireplace makeover. Obviously, the easiest thing you may do is to add some new decoration, like seasonal ones, so that they get you into fall or winter mood. Those can be colorful or warm-white garlands, cute candle holders, statuettes, lanterns, vases, bunting, etc. You may also hang a wreath, a new picture or a mirror with an extraordinary frame above the fireplace.

Ideas for Brick Fireplace Makeover

Another way is to paint your fireplace or part of the wall behind it. It’s kind of a DIY brick fireplace makeover, where you have basic instructions, but also free your imagination and create your own, customized design. Painting it white or whitewash is a perfect idea for red brick fireplace makeover, especially if you do it the way, that you can still see the red color of bricks showing through the whitewash. It will give your room quite modern, a little bit rustic touch.

You may also get or create a new fireplace mantel: a wooden or marble one for a classical, elegant and calm design, or a metal (imagine a copper one!) for a rare, contemporary and ambitious look. Or why not just renew the current one, painting it contrasting to the fireplace or the walls’ color? Brick wall fireplace makeover is a great idea as well. If your wall is just painted, you may cover it with brick or limestone tiles, so that it would highlight the fireplace area in the room. A different option is to attach wooden planks above the fireplace and paint them similar to the fireplace, but slightly lighter color. This will create an illusion of fireplace being a wall’s shadow.

Diy Brick Fireplace Makeover

14 Photos of the Facts to Note in Brick Fireplace Makeover

Red Brick Fireplace MakeoverCorner Brick Fireplace MakeoverWhite Brick Fireplace MakeoverBrick Fireplace Mantel MakeoverHow to Makeover a Brick FireplaceDiy Brick Fireplace MakeoverBrick Wall Fireplace MakeoverBrick Fireplace MakeoverBrick Fireplace Makeover PicturesBrick Fireplace Makeover IdeasIdeas for Brick Fireplace MakeoverModern Brick Fireplace MakeoverOld Brick Fireplace MakeoverPainted Brick Fireplace Makeover

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