Pros and Cons of Brick Fireplace Remodel

Remodel Brick Fireplace Ideas

While renovating the house or room decor, it’s necessary to decide on the ways of a brick fireplace remodel, so that your fireplace blends into the general room design you’re aimed at or the current one, that you’re going to fresh up. You have to consider some options and determine your perspectives and limits.

You may implement some insignificant changes by throwing new decorations in, or you may want to go further and remake the parts of the actual fireplace or its surround. The most radical way is to rebuild the fireplace completely, but that’s whole other story. Let’s just work with the one we have.

Paint Colors for Brick Fireplace

Comparing different brick fireplace remodel ideas, you’ll find the one you’ll definitely want to recreate and become a part of your interior design. No wonder, that there’re plenty of things you can do to your brick fireplace, so that it will look like a brand-new one, but won’t requite too much effort or money, and, of course, building a new fireplace from scratch.

The first thing you may think of is painting your fireplace over.  It’s the most common and painless method of giving a fireplace a fresh and maintained look and making it fit the newly remodeled room. Besides, it’s that type of project you can easily perform all by yourself, without calling on the professionals and resorting to complex procedures and tools. So, you may want to scroll through some paint ideas for brick fireplace, but let me inform you at once, that the best option is to paint it white or whitewash. That’s how you turn your fireplace from a little dull duckling into a graceful white swan. Nice transformation, isn’t it?

Another option is to get a new fireplace mantel, add new decorations (a sophisticated wooden one or a neat and elegant stone one), install a grate or take it even more seriously and commit to a brick wall fireplace remodel. The last version is probably too complicated, but the result is impressive.

Painting Brick Fireplace Before and After

Whatever design you choose, you will achieve quite different, but equally good-looking and interesting results, which will change your interior, freshen it up and ideally complement it with such a warm, calming and outstanding piece as a remodeled fireplace with a sizzling hot fire, burning in it. Anyway, let us know, how did you remodel the fireplace at your house and post the pictures of your brick fireplace remodel before and after.

20 Photos of the Pros and Cons of Brick Fireplace Remodel

Paint a Brick FireplaceBrick Fireplace Remodel IdeasPaint Colors for Brick FireplaceBrick Fireplace Remodel Before and AfterPaint Ideas for Brick FireplaceBrick Fireplace RemodelPaint Inside Fireplace BrickPaint Colors Brick FireplacePaint Over Brick FireplaceRemodel Brick Fireplace Before and AfterPainting Brick Fireplace Before and AfterBrick Wall Fireplace RemodelHow to Paint Fireplace BrickPaint Red Brick FireplaceDIY Brick Fireplace RemodelBrick Fireplace Remodel Pictures

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