Which of the Fake Fireplace Logs is better for you?

Electric Logs for Fake Fireplace

Choosing fake fireplace logs is a perfect solution if you have a fireplace and if you want to go greener, save natural resources and polluting the Earth’s atmosphere less. I know, that this decision of yours won’t change the world and situation about our environment, but, as someone said, if you want to change the world, then start from yourself.

There are quite a lot of advantages of using fake fire logs for fireplace. First one is quite obvious – you don’t have to burn real wood or coal, and, thus, you don’t emit as much of carbon monoxide into the air. In fact, it’s 75% less than while burning the actual firewood. Besides, the fire logs are made of different recycled materials as ash, biomass wastes and some natural paraffin instead of chemical one in order to keep those materials in place. You may find fake logs for gas fireplace or full-brick ones, that burn longer and need less maintenance, then wood fire. In fact, you may do them yourself, for example, by rolling and twisting paper, that was already used.

Fake Logs for Gas Fireplace

But if you want to skip all burning and maintaining processes, ventilation and cleaning problems, you may just get electric logs for fake fireplace even for a full-size brick one. You just put one inside the base of your fireplace – firebox, or into the artificial one, turn it on and enjoy the look of sizzling fire. There are multiple settings for the fire imitations, cracking sounds, colors, the time after which the regimes change and so on. Other option is to get artificial fireplace logs, that are battery operated, so that you even don’t have to plug them in. They all look like real wood, but using them bring less harm to the nature.

The only downside of such fireplace logs is that they don’t produce too much heat or don’t do it at all. But we all know, that recently fireplace has become a piece of decor and wonderful addition to your house interior, rather than a source of warmth.

Electric Logs for Fake Fireplace

13 Photos of the Which of the Fake Fireplace Logs is better for you?

Electric Logs for Fake FireplaceFake Fireplace Logs ElectricFireplace Fake Lighted LogsFake Logs for Gas FireplaceFake Fireplace LogsFake Fireplace Logs Battery OperatedFake Logs for FireplaceFake Logs Gas FireplaceFake Electric Fireplace LogsFake Fireplace Logs with LightsFake Gas Fireplace LogsFake Fire Logs for FireplaceFake Burning Logs for Fireplace

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